
that Luis; Schafer and John. King g)t in a fight in.The. only rea-
son anyone, remembers that, is because the teacher's raided the
• The teacher's had it all planned put,they'd hade inside..the drink stands,and grab one person every time they came to get a
.. . . . ........ . ... When someone said,'Where is everybody? * that* s when n-lT the tea-
chers burst out of their hiding places.The kids all got shoved
m ...... ma_. » . .... eu: :
T wouldn't do, it again. - - --■* • _ _
The party's toni.ahtal don't know what.__tQ:-_weai,but it doess-
n't have to. be anything exLravageut.The last time I thought that,,
. . a ■ ■ •-.r I;;;.,. ■ - - „ owl b.o 1 .h i'.. . -V..C . I
——- f— • saw everyone L . 1 to 'me party in. :uits mo ties.base I waliced im,everyame sort of - -shrugged me off .Xt mould have be.en funny,- w oe ... . a’ .00 v. as c.o.o to ..mo once. I . m o .. a
.0 . .. . .0
hoewLliatod roe the oiost mb ...ode me oot go to a . .ora party's
until, the next year .Linda Schotte threw a party last year that
was pretty good,so everyone's expecting, this one to be good as. :well.I don't really want to go to this party,but I already said
I would,so I'd better go.
q - I promised Linda I'd get there early to help her clean up —_ her he.ll_-ha.be of or house-I don't see why she asked me and not
_ ™ ....,. — — - ^ Jaer vonder-bay boyfriend William Scott.I don't really want to go,
.but that never starred me from doing anything before.
s When I got there,I said outloud," e-'re never going to get
trii.g.house clg-anedbin two hours."And I was.-right..The house looked
like the same dump it was when I got there.,I can't get over how
messy that house was.That's why no one hacl a very good time.
Who can dance on a floor -covered with cloths and cat litter.
• It was the. first really baring party our school had.The whole
gang was there,but that didn't hfelp matters any ..Nothing could have stomped the sheer boredom of the situation.
- Author
- mark thomas